Revelation from Chuck Pierce and team - May 7th 2005
Marty Cassidy (Global Harvest Ministries):
I kept hearing the word seraphs. I asked the Lord... then He showed me what is happening over Japan today. He has stationed seraphs at the north, south, east and west. And what they are saying to each other across Japan is Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord Almighty. The whole of Japan is filled with his glory. What they are doing is releasing a canopy over this nation; a covering over this nation; a covering over you so that His people can begin to partner with the angelic. The Lord says, it is time for Japan to partner with the angelic in ways His people have not partnered in the past
This is a season that God is opening the window to bring the sound of wind across Japan. This is a season that God is opening the window to bring the Holy Spirit sweeping across Japan. And Hokkaido is the place for the intersections of the wind. In other words, get ready in Hokkaido. A wind of the spirit is coming down and beginning to stir that will move all across Japan. Because Hokkaido is the northern part, and it is the eastern part. And in a moment we want to see what happens when the north wind and the east wind intersect. Lots of change begins to happen.
There is a provisional change coming into God's people. The way His people have received provision in the past is changing. Now this is very important for Japan. Economic systems are changing. Because economic systems change, God's people will prosper in new ways. We are breaking out of old mindsets, and God is going to make us more creative than ever before.
There is an open window over heaven this year to receive God's glory into the midst of his people. God says, I am going to release a huger in Japan on my people that cry out for my glory. And there is something about Hokkaido that is not resisting the glory of God. You don't have to worry about Tokyo, the largest city in the world, because there is going to be an open window in Hokkaido that God will pours His glory in, and then the wind of the Holy Spirit is going to flood it all the way down to Okinawa. The unbelief over this island, God is going to blow away.
He is ready for faith to explode in his people in this island. I believe Japan has come to a point where there is a younger generation crying out for change. Instead of hell offering the next generation what they are crying for, God says I have a people that is going to cry out for my Spirit to come in, so that there is a sweeping move of God on this next generation. The sound of worship will be different. The way we do things will be different. That will open up the door for the harvest to come into the church. The church will be known differently in all of Japan.
Now this is what I want you to help me do, I want you to help me stir up this wind of revival here in Northern Japan. Now remember this is where the northern wind and the eastern wind intersect. We are a people that carry the Holy Spirit. So we are going to ask the Holy Spirit to move greatly within us. What we do in intercession is we cry out day and night. The Lord says, I have a people who will cry out and not give me rest. God says, Give me no rest until Japan open this window of heaven to bring change.
Turn to Song of Solomon 4. This is the word the Lord gave me for Hokkaido. It says here in verse 12 - 16: A garden is enclosed. In other words, here is Japan as a garden that has been closed, or locked up. It caused a spring to be shut up. It caused a fountain not to flow. Notice inside this garden are many types of seeds of fruits just waiting to be unlocked. In other words, Japan is full of fruits, but the fruit is locked up. But God doesn't want the fruit to remain locked up.
The Lord would say to you, Just as I've brought you to the North and gathered you, I will also take you to the South and gather you. For I will bring the awakening North wind upon Japan now. And then when you gather in the South and decree the southern wind to come forth, you will see a visible swirling of my Spirit in Kobe and Kyoto and Tokyo. A swirling surrounding wind. It will even cause such waves to come that portions of the island will be covered with water. In the center of this land it will create a cry from this people that says I must find higher ground. So I say to you, this is the time of awakening that I am bringing to this particular island. It's an awakening that will begin to sweep across the whole nation of Japan.
For there is an enemy that would love to come to the eastern gate and begin to bring wrong change to this land. But if you will awaken the northern wind here in Japan, seeds of revival will begin to flow. For my wind will blow open revival in governmental people. My wind will open up economic people. And so the Word of God says Awake, O North wind. And if you awaken the wind from the north, the garden that is enclosed by the enemy will begin to be opened up and my seeds and the fruit of harvest will begin to come forth.
God says, I want to raise up prophets all over this nation. I want to have a school of prophets in the north and in the south. And I want the power of my prophetic release to come across Japan. This is important for the year 2006, because Japan must become a prophetic voice in the east.
There will be a changing of mantles all across Japan. The next generation leadership will begin to rise out of the next generation. Worship will begin to rise out of the next generation. Miracles will begin to rise out of the next generation. The tearing down of strongholds will arise out of the next generation.
The governmental structure of this nation, the civil government will begin to change. We are stirring up the north wind of change in Japan. The north wind brings awakening. It's time for awakening to come all across Japan. I love the people of the earth too much to see them captured by the enemy. God is saying I want a passion to arise in Japan that will call forth my Holy Spirit that will awaken the harvest all across Japan.
The nation of Japan would be heard on the news that it has been surrounded with wind. And when that is heard, that will be the beginning of a harvest that will sweep this nation.
Second Session:
One of my team had a dream last night about Japan. In the dream he saw a mountain. We were in a mountain, and we had to jump off the mountain and swim around the corner of the island, where we were confronted by a person who represented the strongman of Japan. The strongman actually looked like a woman. Only she was three times the size of a normal woman, and she was guarding this place.
When we got the map, [Ron Sawka] knew exactly where this was. And Teddy said this was a place called Fear Mountain. And it was as if the Lord was saying because we positioned ourselves up north here, and we are beginning to stir the wind of God up in the northern part, that strongman or strong woman that is guarding the move of God on Fear Mountain is going to be defeated. God is going to do something new that causes that whole area to begin to change. But in the dream, Marty (a woman on his team) kept telling Cheryl (another woman on his team) to beat that woman up. So it's going to take some of you going into spiritual warfare and not be afraid to say, Spirit of God come and sweep away every other spirit. And Cheryl would hit this woman once, and Marty would yell, Hit her again! And what God is saying to you is Once you get moving this time, don't back up! And God will give you victory over those structures that are holding back his prophetic wind from flowing.
God is ready to build his church in Japan in a new way. When he is ready to do that, he removes keys from others who have not used what he has given them. And he gives those revelatory keys to others. And He says, you move forward and build my church, and you unlock my kingdom. I see a major transference over Japan. Because the Lord says, I am ready to build in a new way, and I am ready to unlock in a new way. I am ready for you to bind some things, and I am ready to loose some things.
You need to be anointed to open your eyes to a supernatural release. Heaven is releasing a wind to the earth. And sound is coming down into the earth realm. Sound creates movement. Every time you see the wind blow this year, know that the Spirit of God is moving things around in Japan.
Its time for the worship warrior in Japan to rise up. You are a worshipping people; you are a waring people. It's time for the Spirit of God to activate that in his people. Because heaven and earth are changing. This year God is ready to open the ceiling over Japan. I know a wind of the Spirit of god is going to start moving from the north. It's got a mixture of north and east wind that is going to create a whirlwind. I feel like this whirlwind is going to go into Osaka and turn everything upside down!
Get ready for the ceiling that is been over Osaka to be removed. The Lord says, if we break this ceiling over Japan, the limits the enemy has put over God's people are going to be removed. The Lord is saying to Japan, there are many creative ways that I have that I want to bring into this nation. God says, I am just ready to tear the ceiling off of Japan. And I am stirring up a wind that is going to blow it off.
Japan, it is your year for victory in the Lord. It's a year that God is bringing an open heaven over you. He is removing old ceilings. He is changing relationships.